About Us
Welcome to House of Love
House of Love is a Charitable and Christian Organization Children Home for the orphans, abandoned, abused, and neglected children. Its aim is to provide physical, spiritual, mentally, socially and educational well-being of these children. The home is located at No. 35, Taman Klang Jaya, Klang, with a total floor space of approximately 14,000 sq ft.
For Tax Exemption Receipt Request, you are welcome direct bank in to below our home bank account detail. After bank in, you may whatApp your bank in slip to 016-2250723 for the Tax Exemption request. Thank you.
Our Home Bank Account Detail:
Cheque Payee to: HOUSE OF LOVE
HONG LEONG BANK A/C No : 339-00-019-040
For more information, Please contact or Whatapp to: 016-225 0723 (Dr. Joseph Pang)
Our Founder
Dr. Joseph Pang 博士
Hon.PhD (SU.Art.B.I, France)
法国北欧大学商业管理荣誉博士 Hon.PhD (SU.Art.B.I, France)

Since at a young age, Dr. Joseph Pang has been involved in the social service, specifically in orphanage home administration and has more than 28 years’ experience as a social worker. Dr. Joseph’ wife, Christine Lim also serves alongside her husband and House of Love is their fruit of love. On Father’s Day in 2003, “Sin Chew” Daily has awarded Dr. Joseph as The Father of The Orphans. As the founder of the House Of Love orphanage in Klang since 2012, his selfless efforts enriched many orphaned children’s lives, earning him the Exemplary Father Award 2024 from Better Dads Malaysia (Pertubuhan Bapa Hebat Malaysia).
House of Love is not just a home for children; it also caters for single mothers as a protection place. We have single mothers’ protection home. This home is administered for by Christine Lim.
Dr. Joseph plays the role of a father to monitor the children’s growth and he is also to help the orphanage home in looking for funds. Based on his years of experience, he found a lot of broken families and it is tragic that the children should bear the consequences. They are being neglected, abused, and abandoned, sadly because the parents are stressed in their lives, having no experience in handling the situation. If they were in a different situation, it will be a different life for them. Sometimes, all that has happened is not what they (parents) want.
They need our help to guide them through this entire messed up situation. Therefore, the establishment of the House Of Love is not only to provide children with free shelter and taking care of their upbringing, House of Love is also being set up for these parents who need counseling, as the goal of House Of Love is for the children to be able to go back to a new, stable and loving family one day.
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Our Funding
As for funding, we get the funding solely from well- wishers, dubs, organizations, companies, publics and individuals, through our sponsorship programs and charity events.
How You Can Help?
- Sponsor A Child
- Sponsor The Rental
- Sponsor A Worker
- Become “A Volunteer”
- Sponsor Home’s Monthly Provision
- Let Others Know About The Home
- Giving Tuition
- Spend Time With The Children
- Help clean up the home or take the children out for a day trip on individual basis or in a group.
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